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ApprovalMax extends online accounting platforms with approval automation for accounts payable and accounts receivable. It replaces manual paper- or email-based approval routing with automated multi-role approval workflows.
With Apxium, you can automate your entire Accounts Receivable + Payments + Financing workflow for your Accounting Practice
Automated approval flows, flawless invoice scanning, and two way sync with your accounting software.
NoFrixion facilitates electronic money management by providing our customers with a current account that links via our MoneyMoov API to your Financial/ERP systems. This allows you to pay and get paid(via both card and open banking payments) seamlessly.
Process, approve and pay invoices without logging into your accounting software or your bank
Get Paid Faster with Late Fees & Prompt Payment Discounts for Xero & QuickBooks
Telleroo is your hub for making instant payments, eliminating errors and the payment anxiety that comes with it.
Free domestic business payments anywhere in the United States combined with Veem’s secure, efficient, and affordable global payments network
The World Account is designed for cross-border businesses trading in multiple currencies.
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