
Lightyear Hero
Purchasing & Accounts Payable automation with the world's only 3-way line-item matching.

About this App

Lightyear is an industry-leading cloud platform providing intelligent automation solutions for large SMEs & Enterprise level Purchasing & Accounts Payables processes.

Our end-to-end approvals workflows are up to 80% faster than traditional methods, enabling purchase orders & invoices to be approved in seconds.

Lightyear provides a reliable, secure, stress-free solution that eliminates human error, so our customers can confidently move forward with their business goals.

Lightyear's business intelligence automation allows companies to make smarter, better-informed decisions about cash flows & forecasting.

Our mission is to revolutionise how companies manage purchasing & accounts payable processes through leading-edge technology that makes it easier for them to succeed. It's our vision to become the go-to software provider of choice across industries globally through continued innovation backed by exceptional customer service.

Discover the power of Lightyear with our free trial - the first month on us! Experience the difference and boost your productivity today.

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Purchase Orders:

  • Procure to pay in one solution

  • Create detailed purchase orders for Services and/or Products from your supplier's item catalogue.

  • Route Purchase Orders to the correct Approver, seamlessly without user input.

  • Send your purchase order directly to your suppliers email address for one-click acceptance.

  • Automated 3-way matching

  • Reduces end-of-month tasks from hours/days to seconds by automatically matching GRN, PO & Supplier invoice

Data Extraction:

  • 100% accurate Line-item data extraction (without OCR) for system-generated PDFs

  • Receipt data extraction from the mobile app (summary data only)

  • Automated Coding

  • Automate at a supplier, bill, line or product level - the choice is yours.  Set rules for keywords or product codes to drive coding rules.

  • Automatic price checking

  • Compare each line's product code with your supplier's agreed price list, flagging any that are overcharging you.

  • Foreign Currency -Process bills from overseas suppliers, whatever currency they use.

Approvals Workflow:

  • Unlimited users and companies. Add as many users and companies from your portfolio with no extra charge.

  • Assign individual users different levels of approval meaning they will only see information relevant to their job.

  • Duplicate Flagging -Automatically alerts you to any duplicate bills that may already be in your approval workflow. 

  • Connect your teams and communicate on every bill by tagging users in the permanent notes

  • Multi-tiered approvals

  • Automate up to 3 levels of approval

  • Automate up to 8 levels of value-based approval. (These come into effect at the 3rd level of the above)

  • Proxy Approval - Automatically redirect approval tasks to another user when you're on annual leave.

  • Departments

  • Lightyear Departments restrict users to only view and approve bills that are relevant to them. 

  • Splitting Widget - Manually split a single invoice line into multiple, based on a percentage or amount.

  • Dispute bills - if a bill needs to be disputed (incorrect pricing, not all items received, wrong tax etc…) the Lightyear system allows users to send a message to suppliers and will suggest content for one-click supplier approval and sign-off.

  • The approvals process creates an audit trail which is stored with the document image, ‘paperclipped’ associated documents and notes for your regulatory period.

Mobile App:

  • Approve on the go with our mobile app. Get notifications and upload your receipts & bills.

  • Approve, dispute, un-assign, re-assign, place on hold or reject bills while you are on the go.

  • View and reply to any notes or mentions straight from the mobile app.

  • Snap photos of your receipts (or bills) and upload them to your Lightyear account. 


  • .Default Coding - Apply a GL code, Category, Tax Code, Approver or Department to an invoice based on the supplier.

  • Bulk Supplier Upload - Import all suppliers through one CSV to create your supplier catalogue and, track price changes bank details and assign automated coding.

  • Bank Details Checker - Flags fraud detection by checking the extracted bank details on an invoice against your own records.


  • 7-year bill and statement archive

  • Access all of your bills instantly from anywhere in your searchable cloud archive.

  • Tax office compliant

Intelligent Reporting

  • Real-time processing gives you powerful business insights, allowing you to forecast cash flow more accurately.

  • Create Custom Reports - If our Pre-Existing Reports don't hold the information you need, create and save your own using our search parameters.

  • Favourites - Save pre-existing or customs reports as Favourites to easily find and run reports as you need.

  • Purchase Order Reports - Export Line Items or Summary Data to a CSV to gain deeper insights into information held in Lightyear.

Supplier Statement Reconciliation:

  • Automatically reconcile supplier statements in seconds.

  • Automatically checks for missing bills and flags inconsistencies with a handy traffic light system.

Are you unsure if Lightyear is the right solution for your business? Don't worry - our team is here to help. We're ready to guide you through the benefits of using Lightyear and how it can help streamline your accounts payable process.

Book a demo with one of our experienced consultants today and see the power of Lightyear in action. Book An Introductory Demo

Cost (from)


Free Practice Subscription


30 day free trial, fully functional, no credit/debit card required

Partner Program

Support Channels

  • Email
  • Live Chat
  • Online Help
  • Phone
  • Web Form

Mobile Platforms

  • Android
    android icon
  • iOS
    ios icon



  • Adept

  • Bepoz

  • Fedelta

  • Fuelsoft

  • IdealPOS

  • Impos

  • Inerva

  • Infor SunSystems

  • iplicit

  • Microsoft Dynamics

  • OrderMate

  • SenPOS

  • SwiftPOS

  • task

  • Show 1 more...

Geographies Served

  • Australia

  • Canada

  • Europe

  • Hong Kong

  • Ireland

  • New Zealand

  • Singapore

  • South Africa

  • United Kingdom

  • USA

App features per category

Receipt & Invoice Processing

  • Dashboard

    • Client view

    • Practice view

  • Data Extraction Type

    • Bank statements

    • Billls

    • Credit notes

    • PO

    • Receipts

    • Sales Invoices

    • Supplier statements

  • Data Submission Method

    • Email

    • Mobile App

    • Multi item doc (ie. PDF) 

      • Exact split based on invoice number

      • Specify exact page splits

      • Split per page

    • Multi page doc 

    • Single page doc

    • Supplier fetching

    • Upload

  • General

    • Add missing documents to existing transactions (QBO/Xero)

    • Bank match 

    • Choose accounts 

    • Duplicate check (items in accounting integration) i

    • Duplicate detection (items in app) 

    • Email suppliers

    • Expenses approval-levels 

    • Expenses e-approval 

    • Export all transactions

      • CSV

      • PDF

    • Intuitive suggestions for category and tax

    • Mark bills as paid 

    • Merge suppliers

    • Missing paperwork report 

    • Multi-currency 

    • Notifications upon process

    • Price checker

    • Purchase Order Matching

      • PO Match QuickBooks Online

      • PO Match Xero

    • Purchases approval-levels 

    • QB products & services line items

    • Supplier statement reconciliation 

    • View unpaid/paid purchase invoices on mobile

  • Line items

    • Per document extraction

  • Rules

    • Global payment method rules

    • QB Class / Location

    • Supplier category / description / due date / VAT

    • Supplier level payment rules

    • Supplier line item category / description / due date / VAT

    • Xero tracking

  • Storage features

    • Minimum 7 years document storage

    • Unlimited storage

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